
The Relationship Thats Overlooked and Necessary for Business Success Part

In Part 1 I shared that Pawns will keep you from accomplishing your business dreams and goals. In Part 2, let's look at the Pawn's partner.Pushers.Pushers are people whose purpose is to thrust forward, downward and/or outward with force. Unlike the pawn who will move forward with gentle or convincing persuasion, the pusher will use strength. Tactics include things like spreading lies, defamation of character, physical attack and emotional and mental abuse.

The goal is to push you to your personal physical, mental and emotional edge so that you'll stop, turn around, or give up the pursuit of your dreams.When Mark Whitaker applied for the position as Editor of Newsweek Magazine, he received countless remarks from friends and acquaintances alike, discouraging him from pursuing his dream of becoming Editor of the magazine because of his race. Mark Whitaker's response to critics in reference to race hindering his dream:.

"Maybe (it will), maybe not. But I'm not going to let it stop me from setting it as a goal.".

Mark Whitaker has been Editor of Newsweek for a few years now and has received awards and accolades for the work he has accomplished.What pusher is stopping you from setting and achieving your dreams and goals?.A pusher does not know or understand that they too were created with purpose. When pushers understand that, they will be able to focus on pursuing their own purpose and destiny.What To Do When A Pusher Knocks You Down:.

1. Land On Your Back- Your next step is determined by what you see when you open your eyes after you've fallen. If you look up, the heavens are above you with the light from the sun.

Your limits are set by the heavens. Talk about unlimited opportunities and possibilities!.If you are looking down when you open your eyes, the ground is beneath you. Prospects from this position will lead to death and burial of your dreams.

"If you can look up, you can get up!"
Les Brown
======================================.2. Get Up and find strength in your cheerleaders. Also consider the services of a personal coach.

In addition to cheerleaders, take time for prayer and meditation. You have a spirit, soul (mind, will and emotions) and a body. Nourish your spirit (the essence of who you are) and your soul. Step away from situations, dreams, etc.

for a short period to physically re-group.====================================================
"Leaving behind nights of terror and fear;
I rise; Into a daybreak that wondrously clear;
I rise; Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave;
I am the dream and hope of the slave; I rise; I rise;
I rise."
Maya Angelou
====================================================.3. Encourage Yourself- You are standing and the pushers did not get the best of you.

"Every limitation you've overcome, every fear you've
conquered, has equipped you to help lift somebody
else - otherwise, they're wasted experiences"
Word For Today
=====================================================.Use this and every experience as foundational stepping stones to reach for your business dreams. There will be times throughout your journey when you'll feel pushed down. Remember, as long as you can look up, you not only can get up, but you open the door to unlimited possibilities because you never counted yourself out!.

.Robin Kegler is a Professional Coach, Speaker, Founder of Wearing The Right C.A. and creator of the Wearing The Right C.A.

P. PAGS Assessments to help people know where they fit, will prosper and have the most fulfillment in life and work. She helps small business owners, entrepreneurs and solo professionals build strong teams by putting the right people.

in the right place.doing the right assignment. To receive Right CAPtions, free audio downloads and more visit

By: Robin Kegler

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